
Invited Presentations

  • University of Cincinnati, Lindner College of Business, March 2024

  • Babson College Research Day, January 2024

  • University of Illinois Chicago, September 2023

  • University of California San Diego, Rady School of Business, April 2023

  • Babson College Research Day, February 2023

  • Nanyang Technological University, May 2022

  • Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, May 2022

  • Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, April 2022

  • Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business, November 2021

  • Babson College, September 2021

  • Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management, May 2021

  • University of Alberta, Alberta School of Business, April 2021

  • Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management, April 2021

  • University of Connecticut, School of Business, March 2021

  • University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School Marketing Camp, February 2021

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst, Isenberg School of Management, October 2020

  • Tuck Marketing Camp, May 2020 (postponed due to Covid-19)

  • China Europe International Business School, April 2020 (postponed due to Covid-19)

  • University of Houston, October 2018

  • Wharton, March 2018

  • IDC Herzliya, November 2017

  • Northeast Marketing Conference, October 2017

  • University of Michigan, March 2017

  • Kellogg Marketing Camp, September 2016

  • Tuck Marketing Camp, May 2015

  • Carnegie Mellon University, Center for Behavioral and Decision Research, April 2015

  • 3M, November 2014

  • Northeast Marketing Conference, October 2012

  • ACR Doctoral Consortium, Jacksonville, FL, October 2010

  • Cornell University, November 2009

  • University of Michigan, November 2009

  • University of Southern California, November 2009

  • University of Toronto, October 2009

  • Dartmouth College, October 2009

  • Drexel University, October 2009

  • Trope Lab, New York University, December 2006

Conference Presentations

  • Hussein, Mohamed, Kathleen Vohs, Stephanie Chen, Gita Johar, Ellie Kyung, Selin Malkoc, Brent McFerran, Oded Netzer, Nailya Ordabayeva, Jake Teeny, Zakary L. Tormala, Norbert Schwarz, Katherine White, and Wendy Wood (2023), “Emerging Threats to Democracy” Roundtable, Association for Consumer Research, Seattle, WA.

  • Shalev, Edith, Meyrav Shoham*, Coby Morvinski, Ellie J. Kyung (2023), “Communicator Sentiment and Online Followership,” European Association for Consumer Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  • Kyung, Ellie* (2023), “The Mental Mapping of Magnitude: New Insights from Examining Response Bias,” Summer Decision Making Symposium, Chicago, IL.

  • Shalev, Edith, Meyrav Shoham*, Coby Morvinski, Ellie J. Kyung (2023), “Communicator Sentiment and Online Followership: The Diverging Effects of Likeability versus Credibility,” Society for Consumer Psychology, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

  • Longoni, Chiara, Luca Cian*, and Ellie Kyung (2022), “AI in the Government: Responses to Failures,” Association for Consumer Research, Denver, CO.

  • Fay, Kayla A., Karen Schifferdecker, Shaun Golding, Linda Kinney, Ellie J. Kyung, Sean Halloran, Sam R., Youkilis, Shoshanna H. Bardach, Amanda Perry, Maureen Boardman, Rian Hasson* (2023), “Lung Cancer Screening in a Rural Academic Health System Reveals Low False Positive Rates,” Academic Surgical Congress, Houston, Texas.

  • Fay, Kayla A., Karen Schifferdecker, Shaun Golding, Linda Kinney, Ellie J. Kyung, Sean Halloran, Sam R., Youkilis, Shoshanna H. Bardach, Amanda Perry, Maureen Boardman, Rian Hasson* (2023), “Gaps in the Electronic Medical Record Contribute to Low Participation in Lung Cancer Screening,” Academic Surgical Congress, Houston, Texas.

  • Longoni, Chiara*, Luca Cian, and Ellie J. Kyung (2022), Artificial Intelligence in the Government: Responses to Failures and Social Impact, ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society, Oxford, UK.

  • Longoni, Chiara.*, Luca Cian, and Ellie J. Kyung (2022), “Artificial Intelligence in the Government: Responses to Failures and Social Impact,” Society for Consumer Psychology, online.

  • Kyung, Ellie J.*, Manoj Thomas, and Aradhna Krishna (2022), “The Scale Orientation Effect: The Intuitiveness of Horizontal and Vertical Scales,” Society for Judgment and Decision Making, online.

  • Longoni, Chiara.*, Luca Cian, and Ellie J. Kyung (2021), “Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector,” Association for Consumer Research, online.

  • Kyung, Ellie J.*, Manoj Thomas, and Aradhna Krishna (2021), “The Scale Orientation Effect: The Intuitiveness of Horizontal and Vertical Scales,” Numerical Markers in Judgments, Choices, and Consumption, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

  • Kyung, Ellie J.*, Manoj Thomas, and Aradhna Krishna (2021), “The Scale Incongruence Effect: When do Horizontal versus Vertical Scales Feel More Intuitive?” Winter American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, online.

  • Kyung, Ellie J., Yael Shani-Feinstein*, and Jacob Goldenberg (2019), “Slow and Steady Versus Fast and Furious: The Effect of Speed on Decision Making,” Society of Judgment and Decision Making, Montreal, Canada.

  • Pleskac, Timothy*, Ellie J. Kyung, Gretchen Chapman, and Oleg Urminsky (2019), “Comparison of Single- and Double-blind Review of Scientific Abstracts for a High Stakes International Conference,” Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Montreal, Canada.

  • Kyung, Ellie J.*, Manoj Thomas, and Aradhna Krishna (2019), “Left-Right or Top-Down” The Effect of Horizontal Versus Vertical Orientation on Consumer Judgments,” Association for Consumer Research, Atlanta, GA.

  • Ding, Yu* and Ellie J. Kyung (2019), “Time Flies…But Only When the Speed is ‘Just Right’: How Animation Speed Affects Perceived Waiting Time,” Association for Consumer Research, Atlanta, GA.

  • Kyung, Ellie J.*, Manoj Thomas, and Aradhna Krishna (2019), “Left-Right or Top-Down” The Effect of Horizontal Versus Vertical Orientation on Consumer Judgments,” Society for Consumer Psychology, Savannah, GA.
    Thomas, Manoj and Ellie J. Kyung* (2018), “Visualizing Price Magnitude: How Slider Scales Change Willingness-to-Pay,” Association for Consumer Research, Dallas, TX.

  • Kyung, Ellie J.*, Yael Shani-Feinstein, and Jacob Goldenberg (2018), “Slow and Steady versus Fast and Furious: The Effect of Speed on Decision Making,” Association for Consumer Research, Dallas, TX.

  • Ding, Yu* and Ellie J. Kyung (2018), “Time Flies…But Only When the Speed is ‘Just Right’: How Animation Speed Affects Perceived Waiting Time," Association for Consumer Research, Dallas, TX.

  • Kyung, Ellie J., Yael Shani-Feinstein*, and Jacob Goldenberg (2018), “Slow and Steady versus Fast and Furious: The Effect of Speed on Decision Making,” Behavioral Decision Research in Management Conference, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA.

  • Thomas, Manoj and Ellie J. Kyung* (2018), “How Slider Scales Change Willingness-to-Pay: Recalibrating the Mental Number Line,” Behavioral Decision Research in Management Conference, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA.

  • Thomas, Manoj* and Ellie J. Kyung (2018), “How Slider Scales Systematically Bias Willingness-to-Pay: Implicit Recalibration of Monetary Magnitudes,” Association for Consumer Research European Conference, Ghent, Belgium.

  • Shalev, Edith, Meyrav Shoham*, and Ellie J. Kyung (2018), “The Reviewer Halo Effect: When What You Write Becomes Who You Are,” Association for Consumer Research European Conference, Ghent, Belgium.

  • Thomas, Manoj and Ellie J. Kyung* (2018), “How Slide Scales Systematically Bias Willingness-to-Pay: Implicit Recalibration of Monetary Magnitudes,” Society for Consumer Psychology, Dallas, TX.

  • Shalev, Edith*, Meyrav Shoham, and Ellie J. Kyung (2018), “The Reviewer Halo Effect: Why Where Consumers Read Reviews Matters,” Society for Consumer Psychology, Dallas, TX.

  • Thomas, Manoj and Ellie J. Kyung* (2017), “The Slider Scale Effect: Implicit Recalibration of Bids,” New Directions in Pricing Management Research and Practice, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL.

  • Thomas, Manoj and Ellie J. Kyung* (2017), “The Slider Scale Effect: Implicit Recalibration of Bids, The Effect of Numerical Markers on Consumer Judgment and Decision Making, Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.

  • Kyung, Ellie, Manoj Thomas, and Aradhna Krishna (2015), “Proactive Interference for Numeric Associations: The Rating Polarity Effect,” Society for Consumer Psychology, St. Pete Beach, FL.

  • Kyung, Ellie, Manoj Thomas, and Aradhna Krishna (2015), "The Rating Polarity Effect: Overcoming the Surreptitious Influence of Implicit Numerical Associations on Consumer Judgments,” Association for Consumer Research, New Orleans, LA.

  • Kyung, Ellie (2015), “Speeding Away from the Here and Now: Velocity and Mental Representation,” Society for Consumer Psychology, Phoenix, AZ.

  • Shalev, Edith and Ellie Kyung (2015), “When Does The Opinion of “Anonymous” Affect Consumer Attitudes? The Role of Opinion Fluency,” Society for Consumer Psychology, Phoenix, AZ.

  • Kyung, Ellie (2014), “Speeding Away from the Here and Now: Velocity and Mental Representation,” Association for Consumer Research, Baltimore, MD.

  • Kyung, Ellie (2014), “Speeding Away from the Here and Now: Velocity and Mental Representation,” Association for Consumer Research, Baltimore, MD.

  • Kyung, Ellie (2013), “Behind the ‘Privacy Paradox’: Decreasing Disclosure by Viewing Information as a Constrained Resource,” Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Toronto, Canada.

  • Kyung, Ellie and Manoj Thomas (2013), “Knowing without Remembering: How Articulation Reduces the Accuracy of Numeric Comparisons,” Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Toronto, Canada.

  • Kyung, Ellie (2013), “Behind the ‘Privacy Paradox’: Decreasing Disclosure by Viewing Information as a Constrained Resource,” Association for Consumer Research, Chicago, IL.

  • Kyung, Ellie and Manoj Thomas (2013), “Knowing without Remembering: How Articulation Reduce the Accuracy of Numeric Comparisons,” Society for Consumer Psychology, San Antonio, TX.

  • Kyung, Ellie and Manoj Thomas (2012), “The Articulation Paradox,” North East Marketing Conference, Cambridge, MA. (Five school marketing conference for Cornell, HBS, MIT, Tuck and Yale).

  • Galak, Jeff, Joseph P. Redden, Yang Yang, and Ellie J. Kyung (2012), “Feels Far or Near? How Subjective Perception of When One Last Consumed Influences Satiation,” Society for Consumer Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.

  • Galak, Jeff, Joseph P. Redden, Yang Yang, and Ellie J. Kyung (2011), “Feels Far or Near? How Subjective Perception of When One Last Consumed Influences Satiation,” Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Seattle, WA.

  • Galak, Jeff, Joseph P. Redden, Yang Yang, and Ellie J. Kyung (2011), “Feels Far or Near? How Subjective Perception of When One Last Consumed Influences Satiation,” Association for Consumer Research, St. Louis, MO.

  • Thomas, Manoj and Ellie J. Kyung (2011), “When Recall Disrupts Memory: Evidence for Implicit Reference Prices,” Association for Consumer Research, St. Louis, MO.

  • Kyung, Ellie J., Geeta Menon, and Yaacov Trope (2011), “Malleable Memories: The Moderating Effect of Knowledge on Construal Mindsets When Reconstructing History,” Society for Consumer Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
    Discussant, Symposium Session: “Beyond Construal: Examining Broad Implications of Psychological Distance and Consumer Judgment”

  • Kyung, Ellie J. (2010), “Examining the ‘Privacy Paradox’: The Role of Perceived Constraints,” Association for Consumer Research, Jacksonville, FL
    Co-Chair (with Nidhi Agrawal), Invited Special Session: “All My Children: Fostering Diverse Approaches to Consumer Well-Being Research”

  • Menon, Geeta, Ellie J. Kyung, and Nidhi Agrawal (2009), “Biases in Social Comparison: Optimism or Pessimism?,” Association for Consumer Research, Pittsburgh, PA.
    Chair, Special Session: “On Being Better (or Worse) than Others: Illuminating and Eliminating Biases in Social Comparison”

  • Menon, Geeta, Ellie J. Kyung, and Nidhi Agrawal (2009), “Biases in Social Comparison: Optimism or Pessimism?,” Society for Consumer Psychology, San Diego, CA.
    Session Co-chair (with Edith Shalev): “The Other Side of Social Comparison: Imputing Information About Others”

  • Kyung, Ellie J., Geeta Menon, and Yaacov Trope (2008), “Reconstructing History: Construing Past Events to Influence Judgments of Recency and Culpability,” Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Chicago, IL.

  • Kyung, Ellie J., Geeta Menon, and Yaacov Trope (2007), “Reconstructing History: Construing Past Events to Influence Judgments of Recency and Culpability,” Association for Consumer Research, Memphis, TN.